Add a spark to your relationship on an electric bike
February 13, 2023
Erin Weiss

Looking to bring something unique and exciting to your relationship? Want to add a little more fun and freedom to explore new things? Don’t get the wrong idea, you may be thinking about what happens in the bedroom, but this is all about what can happen on eBikes! Adding an eBike ride to your date night or weekend plans may be just what you need to take your romance out of a rut and onto the road to more pleasure.

Every relationship experiences challenges, often times related to one or both partners feeling stressed by work, family, health or just everyday issues. Common ways to reduce stress include getting active, spending time outdoors and connecting with others. Committing to reducing stress together can strengthen your relationship, especially if you can have fun while doing it, and riding eBikes is the perfect way to accomplish this.

If you’ve never ridden an electric bicycle, then you don’t know how much fun it is!

It is hard not to smile when you jump on an eBike and feel the gentle boost of the motor kick in.  There is a rush of excitement as you effortlessly glide up hills and a sense of accomplishment when you reach destinations you may have thought were too far or difficult to bike to. When you and your partner head out together on your ebikes, it doesn’t matter if you have different levels of fitness or experience because eBikes can accommodate for that, so the possibilities for enjoyment are endless. 

Certainly, going for a ride together anytime can be fun, but adding it to your couple time creates new connections and shared adventures. Let’s start with a typical date night out, drinks and dinner, and see how it can be more delightful by ditching the car. One thing to keep in mind is that, when riding an ebike, you don’t need to work up a sweat if you don’t want to and you don’t need to wear typical cycling clothes. Feel free to get dressed up, if you wish, as you won’t be walking into the restaurant winded or sweating and looking like you just worked out.

Map your journey and explore a new route

As you head out the door, depending on where you live, you may want to map out your journey so that you follow bike-friendly routes using apps such as Apple Maps or Google Maps (however, these routes are geared towards regular bicycles and therefore avoid steep hills, which aren’t an issue for ebikes). But, if you are quite familiar with your area, part of the fun is picking a route using streets or paths you may not normally travel on by car. Envision cruising side streets, cutting through parks, taking a path along a lake, or heading up a hill and stopping for a great view. Be spontaneous and stop in for a drink at a hidden gem like a pub, cafe or wine bar you’ve never noticed. Remember to always allow some extra time for diverting activities because inevitably something will catch your eye. No worries, though, if you do linger a little too long, you can kick up the power on the eBikes and get to your dinner destination on time. 

After a filling meal, imagine how good it will feel to get some fresh air and work off a few calories on the way home.  Picture you and your significant other pedaling along peacefully under the stars, maybe even stopping for an ice cream or nightcap along the way. As you arrive home, feeling fresh and invigorated, you realize not only did you avoid the hassle of parking or the cost of a cab ride, but you shared an incredible experience of fun, food and freedom that only riding an eBikes can bring.

Prefer to skip the restaurant scene and dine alfresco?

EBikes can take you to the perfect picnic spot, perhaps in a park, on a beach or some other special place you discover along the way. EBikes, such as the Denago City Model 1, have a range of up to 45 miles, so feel free to explore other parts of town or even head out into the countryside, depending on where you live. Having the ability to be spontaneous and choose your adventure as you ride takes your time together from ordinary to exciting.

Most picnic essentials can be carried in a backpack, but adding panniers or baskets to your eBikes allow you to carry even more, such as a small cooler, a couple compact folding chairs, or a blanket. Electric bikes can handle hauling the extra weight and not add any extra effort to your outing. Imagine you and your date relaxing on a blanket after a lovely ride, enjoying some wine and nibbles while watching a sunset or an outdoor concert. Feel the stress melt away and romantic vibes light up.

Bring your eBikes when you get out of town

When you want to head out of town for an adventurous getaway, consider bringing your eBikes along to explore a new city or perhaps the trails around a cabin in the woods. Folding electric bikes, such as the Denago Folding Model 1, allow you to take them along in the back of your vehicle. There are also racks built especially for transporting eBikes, making it easy to carry them on your next outing. If you are unable to bring your own bikes, many places now offer tours on eBikes, which can be a fun way to experience a new city, national park or even another country.

Now that you might be feeling the need to explore adding electric bikes to your relationship, you may be wondering where to buy eBikes and what kind of eBikes to buy. A great place to start your search is by visiting your local independent bicycle retailer who can show you the various models that may fit your needs. If you wish to use your eBikes to commute to work, as well as for fun, try the Denago Commute Model 1. Perhaps you or your partner may find a fat-tire eBike feels more comfortable, such as the Denago Fat Tire 1. Step-through models make it easy to get on and off the eBike and throttles are a feature that can make your outings even more effortless. 

What other essentials are needed for a successful date on eBikes?

Make sure your electric bikes are equipped with a headlight and taillight in case you will be riding after dark. Many eBikes have integrated lights, but they are easy and inexpensive to add on if not. While helmets may not look sexy, wearing them can prevent head injuries in case of a fall. There are many stylish helmets on the market now for both men and women, so you don’t have to look like you are competing in a bike race when you are simply going out for dinner. If you live in a wet climate, fenders can ensure you stay clean and look your best on your date. A rack and a pannier or basket can add much needed storage for carrying an extra layer of clothing, picnic essentials, or even purchases if your date includes a stop at a farmers market or boutique.

Going for an eBike ride is beneficial to your physical and mental health, especially when you build it in to your everyday life.  While you may also be commuting to work on an eBike, grocery shopping with your eBike or biking for exercise, don’t forget to charge up your couple time with carefree electric bike adventures.  This unique date night idea is sure to rev up the romance and add more fun to your relationship. 

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